Privacy Policy informative

Information to clients under the provisions of the article 13 of the Code on Data Protection (Legislative Decree 196/03) and of the article 13 EU 679/2016 General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR)

Under the provisions of the article 13 196/03 and 13 679/2016 , K-SOL S.r.l is providing you, here below, with an informative notification regarding the processing of your personal data by K-SOL S.r.l.

Dear Client,

K-Sol S.r.l, with office in Via Monsignor Giovanni Fortin N. 42 - 35128 Padova - Italy, processes the aquired data received from the customer to satisfy the customer's demands .
If you are in the European Union, you may have the legal right to erasure of your personal data. To exercise that right, you may contact us at
Whether or not you are in the EU, if you wish to access, change or delete personal information we hold about you, you may contact us at
If we change or delete your personal data or if you decline to share certain personal data with us, we may not be able to provide to you the Product/Service you have request.
We inform that K-Sol S.r.l , with office in Padova - Italy, will process the customer's acquired data to satisfy his/her requests, in regard to:

- obtaining information on our services/software products
- purchasing our services/software products
- managing the System licenses
- support of our service/software products after-sales

The holder of the processing is the K-Sol company S.r.l, in the person of its legal representative. The legal representative can be contacted at

The regulation at issue applies to the processing of the following data operations: collection, recording, organization, conservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection , extraction, compare, use, interconnection, block, communication, spread, cancellation, destruction.

The processing of the data, in addition to the relevant purposes, needed to satisfy the customer' s demand, will aim at:
a) communicating the data to the companies which perform necessary functions regarding the product sales
b) sending information about the new product versions and about commercial offers
c) publishing, for commercial purposes exclusively in our Internet websites, the names of the companies which have purchased our products. No direct or indirect reference (e-mail) to the names of the persons involved in the sale will be published.

The consent to the processing of personal data in relation to a) is considered positively expressed in case of product purchase.
The consent to the processing of personal data in relation to b) will be expressly requested in course of purchase and subsequently refused, on replying to any communications by e-mail and expressing cancellation of consent.
The consent to the processing of personal data in relation to c) can be requested to the client by e-mail and the client can subsequently refuse the consent by e-mail to the address

The data will be processed electronically and saved both electronically and manually or in any other fitting way, in observance of the minimal safety measures, according to the Technical Specifications about minimal safety measures, Enclosure B of the Privacy Code.
According to law, besides the information reported here, every visitor has the right to: have the confirmation, in an intelligible and free way, of the existence or not of his/her data with us;obtain updating, correction or integration of the data or their block/cancellation because of lawbreaking or because of ceased necessity of registration; oppose the processing for valid reasons or in case of receipt of unrequested material, such as advertising, direct sale, market researches, commercial communications.

Cloud storage opening:
Some of our services/products allow the opening of files from One Drive, Dropbox, Box and Google Drive; accessing to the cloud storage is made in a secure protocol and in read-only authorization. Files will be streamed from cloud to the user-pc for viewing it. Files and any other information read from cloud will be not shared with anyone.